We Are
Revolutionizing the way people see the world.
Hyperion Laboratories, Inc. is an innovative, cutting-edge technology Company that identifies and revolutionizes health care delivery with a unique and forward thinking approach. We aim to harvest the advancement of cloud technology, AI, and IoT for delivering solutions that are cost effective and user friendly all over the world. Our team discovers creative and innovative solutions for common disparities in the health care system from patient care to increasing medical productivity. Our personal involvement as surgeons, physicians and engineers, and our personal experience with strabismus has motivated the concepts and creations behind the Hyperion Laboratories technology. With the fast pace of medical development, Hyperion Laboratories is revolutionizing the health care delivery system. Our patients are our passion and creating high quality products to improve their health and well-being is our drive.
We Do
PinpointEyes™ App is a novel smart phone application used to detect and measure ocular misalignment, commonly known as a “lazy eye.” There are many conditions that may cause misalignment of the eyes, and with our smart device app, it can be detected and accurately measured in minutes from wherever you happen to be.
PinpointEyes™ Glasses are a wearable technology used to collect, process, detect, and accurately measure deviations of the eye in a variety of ocular conditions including amblyopia, strabismus, and neuromuscular conditions. Our patented technology is able to detect minuscule deviations in ocular alignment from a static photograph of the face. Using anatomic structures and our technology deviations are calculated in both millimeters and prism diopters.
Our Team

Ara Keshishian, MD
Founder, CEO & Biomedical Engineer
As founder of Hyperion Laboratories, Inc, Ara is the visionary behind the concepts of Hyperion Laboratories. Ara is a biomedical engineer, a board certified surgeon, and a father. From design concepts to all aspects of engineering, his has hand on approach to development has created quality products that revolutionize patient care. His compassion and talents help him lead a dynamic and diverse team of individuals focused on meeting the challenges and goals required to design, manufacture and deliver new and cutting edge technology.

Malgorzata Rajtar, MD
Research Development Director
Maggie has been involved in the research and development of Hyperion Laboratories since its conception. Her experience with health care delivery in the Emergency Department, has helped the diversity of Hyperion products. Working closely with a team of engineers, physicians, and institutes, she has overseen the research in validating the concepts and products designed by Hyperion.

Elizabeth Fontin, MD
IRB & Clinical Research
Dr. Fontin is a Neuro-Opthmaology Attending Specialist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) of Harvard Medical School. She has been a part of the PinpointEyes™ team since 2017 and an integral member of organizing IRB approval and clinical research and presentation of our joint work at NANOS in 2018. Elizabeth’s responsibilities include overseeing clinical research and validating our technology at MEEI. Her experience and work in the field of ophthalmology has aided the advancements of PinpointEyes™ smartphone application.

Mike Hulyk
Director of Public Relations
Mike is the creative mind behind Hyperion Laboratories’ public media presence. He is responsible for taking all of the information associated with the Hyperion brand and making it attractive, engaging, and accessible to both clients via social media, digital outreach, and print news outlets. Whether in the corporate, industrial, or entertainment sectors, Mike believes that strong visual storytelling is the key to effective audience engagement